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How do I rent your facility?Our facility is available to rent to approved individuals. As safety in training is our number one priority we will need to determine your current level of skill and knowledge before granting rental privileges. We may also request a letter of endorsement from your dog sports trainer/instructor to attest to your skill level. Email us at: Once approved an individual may book their own rental time through our website. You can manage your rental bookings quickly and easily without needing any assistance from us.
What facilities are available for rent?Turf Building (40’x80’): Available October through April for rentals. The building is closed for private training rentals from May to September; special events, workshops, seminars, and meetings may still be booked during this time. Walking Trails: Available all year long, but usually closed in April due to flooding from the snow melt. Use of the trails includes the large open field. Outdoor Rings: Four (4) fenced rings are available for rentals from May to September. Ring 1 (95’x125’) and Ring 2 (120’x100’) have a full complement of agility equipment approved for competition use. Ring 3 (120’x100’) has hoopers equipment. The fence between Rings 2 and 3 can be removed to make a ring 120'x240'. Ring 4 (size TBC) has a full complement of rally equipment. Dock and Pool (21’x45’): Available May through October. **Approval for rentals is required for each facility type above.
How long are rentals?Rentals are available in 30, 60, 90, and 120-minute time blocks. Time blocks that exceed minutes (regardless of how they were booked) require special permission; please contact us.
What are the General Rental Rules?1. Renters must display a minimum level of sport knowledge, including safe training practices, in order to receive approval to rent our facilities. Approval may come in the form of endorsement from their instructor, or an in person evaluation of skill. 2. Rentals must be booked by the renter using our online booking system. All individuals attending the rental - whether they handle a dog or not - must be identified on the rental booking. 3. Rentals are for private practice and training by individuals with dogs they own. 4. Only the facility booked may be used by the renter(s) and rental times must be strictly adhered to - this includes our walking trails. Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes early, or stay longer than 15 minutes after your rental times. 5. Renters are only permitted to use equipment they have been trained to use. 6. Equipment that is broken or damaged - or found to be broken or damaged - must be reported to the facility owner immediately. 7. All renters are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs, themselves and their guests. Solid dog waste must be picked up and placed in one of the three provided waste receptacles. All other waste must be taken home to be disposed of. 8. Dogs must be on leash when not in a secured area; up on the dock or in the pool, in a fenced ring, inside the building. Walking trails booked for private use are our only exception.
What the the rules for renting the Turf Building?1. Clean, dry indoor shoes must be worn during the rental. 2. Crates are required for all dogs when they are not actively working with their handler. Xpens are acceptable for (x)large breed dogs so long as a tarp or carpet is used within the pen. 3. All potty accidents - pee, poop an vomit - must thoroughly be cleaned up by the renter, marked with red duct tape and reported to the facility owner immediately. A professional clean up fee of $25.00 is required for each accident (not for vomit). Failure to clean up or report an accident will result in a permanent loss of all facility privileges. 4. Only equipment the renter is trained to work with may be used during their rental. 5. All equipment used by the renter must be returned to its correct storage location at the end of the rental. 6. Equipment setup and cleanup services for agility equipment is available for a fee. Please email us for more information. 7. At the end of each rental, the renter is required to ensure all doors and windows are secured, lights turned off and the heat turned down to the holding temperature of 32 degrees. 8. From October to April, the paid rental fees allow the renter to turn the heat up to 40 degrees during their rental. For an additional fee of $5 the renter may turn the heat up to 50 degrees. At no time, for no reason may the heat be turned up above 50 degrees.
What the the rules for renting the Outdoor Rings?1. Shoes must be worn during the rental. the only exception is when physically on the dock or when in the pool. 2. Crates are required for all dogs when they are not actively working with their handler. Xpens are acceptable for (x)large breed dogs so long as a tarp or carpet is used within the pen. 3. All potty accidents - pee, poop an vomit - must thoroughly be cleaned up by the renter and reported to the facility owner immediately. Urine is to be watered down thoroughly - water may be taken from the pool. Failure to clean up or report an accident will result in a permanent loss of all facility privileges. 4. Only equipment the renter is trained to work with may be used during their rental. 5. Within agility/hoopers rings, all large pieces of equipment may be left out on the field so long as it is left in a manner that is useable for the next user, and has been set up in a safe manner. All rally equipment, training aids, training equipment, props or similar small pieces of training equipment must be returned to its correct storage location at the end of the rental. 6. Equipment setup and cleanup services for agility equipment is available for a fee. Please email us for more information. 7. At the end of each rental, the renter is required to ensure all ring gates are closed.
What the the rules for renting the Walking Trails?1. Shoes must be worn while on the trails. 2. Dog may be taken off leash when they have reached the trail head. Dogs must be returned to on leash when exiting from the trail head. No exceptions. 3. Our property is active with wildlife, including turkeys, coyote, skunks, foxes, deer and even once a moose! If you are unable to recall your dog off of wildlife (for the dogs safety) please keep them on leash. 4. All solid dog waste must be picked up regardless of where your dog made the deposit. If you are unable to walk through dense brush or up or down hills please keep your dog on leash. Failure to clean up or report an accident will result in a permanent loss of all facility privileges. 5. All sightings of solid dog waste must be reported to the facility owner.
Are your walking trails fully fenced?No, our property is not fully fenced and our walking trails are not fully fenced. This is a future goal of ours, however our property is quite large and not practical for fencing. To keep your dog safe while off leash, we require dogs to be kept on leash until reaching our trails head. The property line with our neighbour to the east (behind rings 2 and 3) is fenced. On the west side we share a property line with a farmer. There is fencing at some spots, but not at others. The back east corner and the far southern property lines are bordered with steep ravine and serve as a natural barrier.
What the the rules for renting the Dock Diving Pool?Coming soon.
Can my instructor from another facility join me during my rental?If you would like your instructor to join you on your rental, your instructor will need to book the rental. Please have them contact us to request rental approval for instructors: rentals[at]
Can my private photographer/videographer join me during my rental?If you would like your photographer/videographer to join you on your rental, your photographer/videographer will need to book the rental. Please have them contact us to request rental approval for service providers: rentals[at]
What is dog agility?Dog agility is an exhilarating dog sport that showcases the partnership between dog and handlers In this fast-paced and dynamic activity, dogs navigate through a challenging obstacle course, including bar jumps, pipe tunnels, weave poles, and contact equipment, all while responding to their handler's cues. The goal is to complete the course with precision, speed, and accuracy. Communication, teamwork, and physical strength are key as dogs swiftly to maneuver over and through obstacles, demonstrating their athleticism and intelligence. Dog agility not only fosters a strong bond between dogs and their handlers but also provides a thrilling and entertaining spectacle for spectators to enjoy. It celebrates the natural abilities of dogs and their capacity to learn and adapt, making it a favorite among dog enthusiasts worldwide.
When can my dog start agility training?That is an excellent question, and the answer is a little more complicated to answer than you may expect. For me, it comes down to two critical things: the experience/knowledge level of the instructor, and if the curriculum of the class for which you are registering. Knowledgeable instructors will know exactly how to keep a puppy safe while training. Skills presented will be age appropriate and will not put the puppy’s physical or mental development at risk. In agility the riskiest obstacles are jumps, contacts and weave poles. Young dogs have growing bodies, and repetitive, physically demanding training like agility should be introduced slowly to the puppy as they reach very specific age milestones. For example, no contact equipment before 12 months of age, and no weaving until 14 months of age. These age milestones are a general rule for small and medium sized dogs. Large and giant breed dogs should wait even longer – 18 to 24 months. Here at MDS, puppies can begin our Sports Puppy classes as early as 8-weeks of age. Every skill taught will be age appropriate. This is based on the feedback provided by the professionals that know best – Veterinarians and Physiotherapists experienced in treating sport dogs.
What class level should I sign up for?Sports Puppy - For puppies under 1-year of age. Foundations - For dogs over 1-year that have had no prior agility training. If you and your dog have trained at another facility or with private instructor we may require to see you in person to do a skills evaluation to determine which class level will suite the current level of skill and knowledge. Below however is a general guideline for what class level could be appropriate: Foundations For teams that have completed foundations or introductory classes elsewhere, but did not receive sufficient foundations training and are now struggling. For dogs that lack value for their handler, stress, wander, sniff, scratch, visit others, try to escape the ring, refuse handler cues, or refuse to take obstacles. For teams that have not yet begun any contact training. Novice For teams beginning to back chain their contact performance; no issues with contact performance criteria. For teams that are struggling with their contact performance criteria. For teams that have not yet begun any weave training. Advanced For teams ready to proof contact performance on full height equipment. For teams struggling with contact performance criteria on full height equipment. For teams that are struggling with contact performance criteria while sequencing/under arousal. For teams that can weave 6 poles minimum. Course Work For teams that can sequence 15-25 obstacles. Contacts are proofed and competition ready. Weaves are proofed and competition ready.
How long will I have to attend classes before my dog and I are ready for competition?Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to provide an optimal learning journey across five distinct tiers of training: Sports Puppy (optional), Foundations, Novice, Advanced, and Course Work. At MDS, we prioritize the development of competitive dog and handler teams, fostering growth through skillful progression rather than a linear approach. When a handler and dog can sufficiently demonstrate the skills taught at their current class level they can be graduated to the next level of training. Enrollment in our Sports Puppy and/or Foundations classes typically requires 1-year of weekly commitment to training. Diligent commitment to both in-class learning and regular home practice could potentially accelerate this timeframe to a condensed six-month period. The Novice level demands a dedicated investment of 6 to 12 months, a duration mirrored in the Advanced level. However, handlers who diligently engage in regular practice may successfully navigate both Novice and Advanced levels within the span of a single year. Upon completing approximately two years of uninterrupted instruction within the MDS training framework, a team might find themselves poised to begin attending competitive events while still enrolled at the Advanced level. Once a team has transitioned into active competition and have demonstrated mastery of basic handling skills, they become eligible to enroll in our Course Work class. Teams will remain at this class level for the remainder of their competitive career. Instructional focus then turns to skill refinement, rigorous obstacle proofing, and developing proficiency of international level handling techniques and challenges.
Where can I purchase equipment?Here are a list of our favourite agility equipment suppliers, and where we have purchased many pieces of equipment: All Equipment Agility World (Canadian) Run It! Agility Equipment (Canadian) Max200 Performance Dog Equipment (American) Tunnels and Tunnel Bags TNT Tunnels (Canadian)
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